Packing for Adventure with Mike Hopkins

Shots like this one don’t usually come easy, so it’s a good thing Diamondback’s Mike Hopkins embraces adventure. If you’re going deep into the wilderness in search of that perfect

Seven Reasons To Ride A Hardtail

Team rider Eric Porter has ridden all types of mountain bikes in his career, from cross-country race bikes to downhill beasts. Recently he’s been taking a step back, in order

One Foot Drift

When the ground gets loose, you can control a drift through a corner by taking your inside foot off the pedal and fully weighting your outside pedal.


Learn how to manual simply by shifting your weight on the bike. Once you master this skill, you’ll find yourself looking at old trails in an entirely new light.

Bike-Body Separation

Simon Lawton shows you how to use bike-body separation to rail corners. By leaning the bike into the turn more than your body, you are able to carry more speed

Clearing Jumps

Riders often remark to me that they just can’t seem to get up the nerve to hit jumps fast enough to clear them properly. When I work with these riders,

Flowing Through Uneven Terrain

Your stance when flowing through bumpy surfaces can make a dramatic difference in how much control you have, and how much effort you have to exert to stay smooth. Simon

Hip Flexion

Have you ever asked the question of how to create hip flexion? One of the ways to do this is by looking where you want to go. You can do